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I wanted to go with Website Wednesday or Feature Friday, but there's no clever alliteration for Saturday and websites, so Website Whotsit it is!
A very common piece of feedback we receive about our website is that people feel overwhelmed by the sheer size of it, and all the features on it. Our website is pretty massive and has a lot of features and tools that can be used for members to more easily keep track of things they're interested in, and to participate in the community and get more involved, but we don't really have a guide.
Well, while waiting for a guide to spring out of the ground and write itself (?), I figured we could do a little get together where we go through some of the features on our website, help people who have any questions, and discuss and take suggestions about features or changes for the future!
So come for a chat on Saturday at 18:00 CEST for a little guided tour through the website, its features & functionality, what all you can do with it, and a Q&A & suggestions section at the end as well.
Hope to see you there!

Event details

General Community Events 1 Comment

EU Time zone change incoming! Please keep an eye on the calendar!
In-game events are bound to UTC, but Europeans, and many other countries in the world are changing our clocks, so relative to us, all events are one hour later!
The community will be switching our general time zone from CEST (UTC+2) to CET (UTC+1).
Example: Triple Trouble is 19:30 UTC, 20:30 CET, and 21:30 CEST!
Please make sure to check how and when your time zones change! You can use this useful website to help figure things out!
Note: Some regular events might need to be moved or unscheduled due to availability changes of our commanders!
Here's a thread with some more information

Event details

General Community Events 0 Comments


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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