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Silver Golden

Spreadsheets for all!

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Hi all!


While this is not traditional for as community showcase (Compared to the more artistic venues) my great love is numbers, what greater expression of this than a spreadsheet.

Now it is boring to keep these to one-self (I had quite a bit of fun before working on this one) so here is a public version of my main sheet.

  • Follow the link below.
  • Click on the "..." on the top right then Download.
  • Open up the sheet in excel 
  • Click accept on the banner near the top, this enables macros.
  • To refresh the data click "Refresh" in teh top left cell on any page, this will refresh teh data (accurate to 15 min)

First of all I really recommend that people do their dailies, they are quite profitable, beyond that have a bit of a gander through the more expensive stuff.  

Link to my sheet vA.3 (updated)



If you have any recommendations to improve this please tell me and I will be able to work it in.


Edited by Silver Golden
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26 minutes ago, Vortok said:

I have one sugestion ! paste a working link to the file ;)

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Dropbox dropbox why have you forsaken me?


Fixed, though you will have to click on teh download button to get the excel file. Ill work on a better hoster tomorrow.

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interesting, most of the profits are based on the "sale" price which goes with the assumption that the item can be sold at this price and thats a big "if" in my opinion, only the time gated things looks like a good investment in my opinion, but keep in mind that i'm a noob and quite new to this game ;)

have you actually used those calculations to craft/sell and make profit for things other then time gated ? ?

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1 hour ago, Vortok said:

interesting, most of the profits are based on the "sale" price which goes with the assumption that the item can be sold at this price and thats a big "if" in my opinion, only the time gated things looks like a good investment in my opinion, but keep in mind that i'm a noob and quite new to this game ;)

Material prices are reliably stable though, so it's an entirely fair assumption most of the time.

Thanks for sharing Silver, really good resource for everyone :)

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2 hours ago, Sithicus said:

Material prices are reliably stable though, so it's an entirely fair assumption most of the time.

Thanks for sharing Silver, really good resource for everyone :)

Yep they tend to be stable, really only updates have any real effect on them, such as a while back with the fractal update (+1 infusions becoming really cheap)

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Heyho all!

First of all I would like to thank Silver for the effort he put into his spreadsheet \o/ It inspired me to create one of my own for tracking loot over a period of time. The idea came when I was opening up my ~100 bags after a few runs at Silverwastes. What I usually do is open bags - salvage some - mystic toliet forge some others for rares (salvage for ectos) - inv gets full - deposit mats - repeat. This of course means that after spending my whole day opening bags I actually have no idea how much gold I have effectively made which makes me sad. So sad in fact that I had to look into the GW2 API, Excel, and VBA of which the last two I could really do without. So I have created this spreadsheet and I hope that others can also find it useful for comparing farming methods or just keeping track of their income or for whatever other reasons.

What my spreadsheet does:

  • Upon starting a session it asks GW for your inventory info. It asks for your material storage to be precise. I do not include other inv items because I either salvage items or if I can sell them on TP for more than what it would salvage to then I sell it immediately to clear up space. However if you find that you would like to keep track of other items too, please let me know.
  • Upon ending a session it asks for this information again. From the two it calculates what items you have acquired during the session and asks GW for their current price on TP (both instant sell price and the lowest listing price are included).

How to use it:

  • First of all, you need to make an API key on the Guild Wars website. The spreadsheet needs it to be able to ask for account related stuff. To make one simply go to https://account.arena.net/applications then click 'New key'. A list of checkboxes will appear from which you should check 'inventories' (you can also check 'wallet' as I'm planning on including different currencies too). 
  • Clicking the 'Create API Key button' will give you your key which looks something like this: xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Copy this key and in the spreadsheet paste it in cell 'E1' right next to where it says 'Acces token:' 
  • To make a snapshot of your inventory and start the session click the 'Start Session' button.
  • When you are finished click 'End Session'. Now a script will check what items you've acquired and ask for their price from GW. This might take a while so be patient.
  • NOTE: the inventory info seems to be only updated every 10-15 mins. This is a limitation of the Guild Wars API and there is nothing I can do about it :[ Keeping this in mind it is probably best to click 'End Session' 10-15 mins after actually finishing your farming. Although:
  • NOTE2: withdrawing stuff from TP is also counted so you should refrain from doing so until you have clicked 'End Session' to avoid seeing false information. I believe this is not that much of a nuisance but if you find this annoying feel free to message me about it and I might do something about it (though I might not, be warned :D )
  • If you'd like you can refresh the prices by clicking the 'Refresh prices' button (takes a while).

As I mentioned above I am planning on including wallet information so you can keep track of your currencies in the same way, but right now I couldn't get it working :( Any suggestions for additional functionalites are welcome (and might be included though might not :D ). Also feel free to message me if you have any questions about the spreadsheet either here on the Open Community website or in-game (Epertyufi) and I will answer you as soon as whatever. Also feel free to use and edit the scripts, but be warned: the code could be cleaner... a lot cleaner... :D (i might clean up it later... though... you know.. :] )

You can download the spreadsheet here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5llVcwBeTzBTXZFZ2YyX2oyRUE/view?usp=sharing

(this explanation turned out to be longer than I expected, but I'm still not sure if it should be in a seperate thread or not so I'll just leave this here for now)

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