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Achievement bragging

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What did you achieve in GW2 that you're most proud of?


That can be an achievement, but maybe you have unlocked a really cool mastery or made a legendary weapon. Show the world! xD

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I got this when it was first introduced, and the Clock Tower was SO BAD. Charr and Norn EVERYWHERE. At least we didn't have the massive backpieces, but 90% of my fails there were because of other player obstructing my view :D


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What happens when you're sick during the holidays and there's a very nice shoulder skin available xD



I'd like to thank the Rooster Teeth podcast and some audiobooks for accompanying me through my Winter Wonderland farming :P

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I suppose I don't have many things I'm that proud of in GW2, but my proudest gaming achievement to date is easily this gem from Pillars of Eternity...


Triple Crown SOLO involves completing the game on Expert Mode (turns off all ease of use options, makes the game more immersive and unpredictable), Path of the Damned (anyone remember Icewind Dale 2's Heart of Fury mode?) which makes all enemies significantly stronger, while also spawning much more enemies, then Trial of Iron, where you have a single save game for the entire playthrough, which is deleted if you die; and then ALL of this without taking any party members throughout the game/ Poured ma soul into this :D Less than 0.1% of people who played it have got this, it's easily my best gaming achievement :D

Edited by Sithicus
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