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Raid: Static Group LF members

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Heyo guys I'll be starting up an open for everybody static raid group. I used to organise this within my guild only. 

The first 1-2 months we'll be practicing mainly and getting used to each other. We'll be using the OC teamspeak (raid channels) to communicate and will expect people to join up there. 

For those that aren't sure if they are "fit" for a static group. Just try it out! You can always back out if you think it's too high paced for you, you will be given plenty of time to improve ?


What I am mainly looking for in people is:

- Basic raiding knowledge

- Willing to improve and learn

- Ready to spend time on raiding

- Prepared to spend gold on raiding


When will this group be raiding?:

- Monday 18:00 CEST till tired
- Tuesday 18:00 CEST till tired


Interested? Either poke me on discord (f1shhy#9487) or on teamspeak (Goremaw @ OC TS) or ingame (fishhy.6058)

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Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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