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Community pets and floofs!

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So there's a topic where you reveal your face, but let's start to reveal your pets! I want to see your birds, badgers, cats, dogs, hamsters, etc! You can also post pictures of animals you've worked with, so if you've rescued or treated an animal and then set it free, show us ?

The first is a crow bibi (young crow, fledgling) i photographed when it was brought to us because someone thought it was injured. (They're NEF files because they're still RAW (photoshop is a pain and doesn't work on my pc)) It was fine and we set it free the same day ?

The second is my cat Mabel who got 17 years old. She was old as balls, as we say, and a very good cat.




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On 12/06/2018 at 21:20, StevieTV said:

.nef how does one open this magically large file?

Oh no. Well you can't open the file apparently, that's my bad. I'll have to edit and convert them to .jpg or .png before I can upload them. In the meantime you're certainly free to post photos!

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