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About BlueGem

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  • Birthday 01/01/1975

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  1. link to RAID SCHEDULE dead

  2. 2 days no sleep , wonder when its deadly.

    1. Susimusta


      Are you still alive? If yes than I suppose you didn't or did find that out yourself.

  3. hey, this is my final ID. aperantly discord cannot be ignored. And i donated a bit to OC, cheers. BlueGem#0401 Lelling: confirmed
  4. All can do some, no one can do all,

    but together we can do all things.

  5. Hey OC, first of all, ty for the great effort you all put in. OC is definetly raising the experience one can have with Guildwars 2. Im looking forward to do some events with OC and hopefully make some new friends. My server is Gunnars hold , you can rekognize me by my "surname" on char is Blue. Discord is BlueGem #3689 Telegram is Rene Plougsgaard Best regards BlueGem
  6. Hellow , Im Blue BlueGem #3689 Sabina: confirmed


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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