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About cheshader

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  1. Erm, I hope it doesn't count as advertisement and it won't trigger enrage on mods (if the post breaks any rules - delete pls). But, for all those who are late to the raiding party, stuck in the "need experience to experience raids" loop, I'd like to bring to your attention the Raid Training Initiative http://rti.enjin.com/ Basically, it's a non-rep hub guild for those who want to start raiding but can't because Eternal over 9000LI in LFGs nowadays (and I can add from experience it's really hard for find a raid teaching guild on EU). Tbh I am surprised it took us so long to get this thing going, NA afaik had the same thing running for months. The main advantages I see are that: 1. You are starting in a mix of new, semi-experienced and experienced players, so no one will shout at you/instakick you because of your mistakes, but you have people to learn from. 2. Their event schedule with the current sign-up system seems to be pretty effective in reducing another main problem - getting 9 other people for a raid. To be frank, I suspect there is some potential in collaboration... cooperation... (my engrish, what it the correct word?) between communities like theopencommunity and guilds like these. Apparently they also will be happy to welcome any mentors/experienced players willing to teach. /rant
  2. Quite a nice place actually, reminds me of Blazing Swamps from Lineage 2. Easy if you're into JPs (sowwy if you're not). Also one of the best places for gliding in core Tyria.
  3. A bit of off-topic (sry if gets in the way of organization), but Nag (and other community people) did you think about bringing in reddit ppl (meaning advertising there)? Just look at all those disappointed EU players: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/49glbi/raid_wing_1_giveaways_teaching_runs/
  4. IGN: cheshader.5081 Experience: downed VG once Classes: full asc Viper Engie or full asc Zerker Daredevil Can join: anytime
  5. I like the idea, and I would jump on it. So far my "main" guild completely gave up on raids after first few tries, I managed to down VG with friends, but they basically quit after that for different reasons, and pugging was rather terrible, so I am about to start looking for a raiding guild anyway. For the raid I can bring full ascended condi engie or zerker daredevil, the classes I am the most comfortable with.


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