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Everything posted by Dan

  1. just guaggan things greetings to green comm, who glided right next to my bushes <3 ... and to like 3 comms that were too lazy to look just a bit deeper and who turned around right before spotting me was fun
  2. stage view comms time to shine I love how happy npc is to see all those people - poor creature, bored all day long flying asuras
  3. Comms and their quaggans PS I was just traveling through the weird side of YouTube and came across a Supernatural fanfiction that simply couldn't not to remind me of the pies conversation on ts that I creepily enjoyed listening to. Even if you know nothing about Supernatural, you might want to check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxWLJi-zMFY&index=233&list=PL-CnS0GpQiV3nFuzGWSQ-0PzHrh8RG5XI
  4. More quaggaaaaannnasss! (All the quaggans were under water on all screens sadly, this one kinda looks to me like it's a 1v1 - black quaggan throwing his fire balls at Behe or something ) (It's just me or it looks like peeing?) (Pink one in bed... )
  5. (Only ''few'' this time ) Epic hiding spot! \o/ Love always wins, even when it loses. <3 The master of... first plan? This one brings me weird idea of Sourunji being our choirmaster. <3 *______* <3
  6. I still think that wasted quaggans lying on the skritt should win. It looks so funny. But yeah - the bubble one is amazing too. Congratulations Sopranino. \o/ Thx guys for the Weekend. It was indeed a lot of fun. <3 (... and the prizes Woohoo Can't wait for next events like that )
  7. Oh my God! I love those videos above so much. Ekhm, but about the screenshots... First of all you have to know that I'm a fan of screenshots. With that being said prepare your heart attack... I mean... Prepare yourself for definitely too many screenshots. I don't see any rule about how many screenshots we can post! "Post your favorite screenshots..." Well: since I'm a fan of screenshots I had a little trouble with finding just a couple of favorites. Yet I still can say that I did choose only some out of all the thousands which I made! O_O Believe me. All below screenshots are my favorites. I'll better put it in the spoiler thingy - just so it won't take too many place. ;P Hu hu... hu... <3


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