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About Epertyufi

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  1. Welcome, we hope to see you on our other events too Also check out our guilds if you don't have one yet, it can be very helpful especially in the early weeks when you are just full of questions
  2. Welcome to the community \o/ The many things we do beside Triple Trouble does include raid training, so if you're looking for a group, check out this thread: Cya around, have fun
  3. Updated the thingy with the new and final collection. Sorry for the delay, I couldn't get to it before because... of the person I am. I tried to weed out stuff related to how old fractals worked, like the dailies and such, but some might still be in there, so feel free to message me and I'll edit the post.
  4. until
    Time: 17:40 UTC, 18:40 CET TeamSpeak: Optional Coordinator: Epertyufi After their sabotage-induced crash, the Zephyrites are stuck in Dry Top and looking for aid. We must help them recover and hold their ground against the perils of the desert. Dry Top features a map-wide meta event with tons of smaller events which must all be completed in order to get the highest reward tier, meaning the merchants on the map will offer better items at lower prices.
  5. until
    Time: 17:30 UTC / 18:30 CET TeamSpeak: Optional Finally we take the fight to Mordremoth! The dragon's minions await us, but with sword in hand and great resolve, we shall be victorious! Dragon's Stand is the fight against Mordremoth's final line of defense, featuring a three-lane battle reminiscent of the Marionette, the event requires a moderate amount of coordination, and is thus appropriate for all types of players!
  6. until
    Time: 17:40 UTC, 18:40 CET TeamSpeak: Optional Coordinator: Epertyufi After their sabotage-induced crash, the Zephyrites are stuck in Dry Top and looking for aid. We must help them recover and hold their ground against the perils of the desert. Dry Top features a map-wide meta event with tons of smaller events which must all be completed in order to get the highest reward tier, meaning the merchants on the map will offer better items at lower prices.
  7. Updated the spreadsheet. Now the instabuy recipes show the realistic prices according to the current state of the Trading Post. This means for example that if you instabuy 75 of a material but only 50 of those are selling for 10s, and the remaining 25 sell for 12s, it will show 50*10s + 25*12s, instead of 75*10s as it were before. In the instabuy recipes only the orb/crest/whatevers are calculated with instabuy prices, the ecto prices are still calculated with the buy listing price as the buy orders come in pretty fast. I also tried to tidy stuff up a bit. I've hidden some columns and rows and whether a recipe is worth crafting or not now can be seen by the colour-coded name of the ingredient.
  8. until
    Time: 17:40 UTC, 18:40 CET TeamSpeak: Optional Coordinator: Epertyufi After their sabotage-induced crash, the Zephyrites are stuck in Dry Top and looking for aid. We must help them recover and hold their ground against the perils of the desert. Dry Top features a map-wide meta event with tons of smaller events which must all be completed in order to get the highest reward tier, meaning the merchants on the map will offer better items at lower prices.
  9. @Faye Grim Wow, thank you very much I did a quick update, now it shows recipe prices and the cheapest orb/crest/etc to buy with insta prices. However as stated in the spreadsheet this is a bit misleading ATM, as it doesn't take into consideration that you might not be able to buy all the items at the currently lowest instabuy price and might have to go above that if you need more than the current supply at that price (you might be able to instabuy a crest at 15s, but the rest at 17s as supply runs out). I'll update this to work properly maybe on the weekend or next week or maybe in the afterlife. The spreadsheet was a bit crowded as it were and now with this new addition its even more crowded so I'll rework that also. Also I was thinking about including instabuy prices on ectos too, but that wouldve made it even worse (and ectos sell very fast with buyorder anyway). To avoid more crowding the full recipe price is only shown for the normalised amalgem return (with 10% to get 25 gems from a recipe). In the rework I'll probably include an instabuy/buyorder checkbox next to orbs/crests and ecto and update the list accordingly. Also, even though there are now less errors with the sheet using GW2API instead of GW2Spidy's, I still get at least 1 mail a day saying that something went wrong. This is due to the limited capabilities of google spreadsheets and I will probably migrate the project to a proper site which will take care of this and also should be faster to load/update and such. Any further suggestions regarding this project or any similar are always welcome ^.^
  10. until
    Time: 17:40 UTC, 18:40 CET TeamSpeak: Optional Coordinator: Epertyufi After their sabotage-induced crash, the Zephyrites are stuck in Dry Top and looking for aid. We must help them recover and hold their ground against the perils of the desert. Dry Top features a map-wide meta event with tons of smaller events which must all be completed in order to get the highest reward tier, meaning the merchants on the map will offer better items at lower prices.
  11. I am in fact a skritt. Here I used my Endless Human Tonic, and sadly the Bobbled effect does not apply to the human tonic transformation
  12. Ok I give in. This one is from a few years ago when I still had hair. I might not be the hero you deserve. But I'm definitely the hero who's [Bobbled!]
  13. until
    Time: 17:40 UTC, 18:40 CET TeamSpeak: Optional Coordinator: Epertyufi After their sabotage-induced crash, the Zephyrites are stuck in Dry Top and looking for aid. We must help them recover and hold their ground against the perils of the desert. Dry Top features a map-wide meta event with tons of smaller events which must all be completed in order to get the highest reward tier, meaning the merchants on the map will offer better items at lower prices.
  14. I updated the spreadsheet so it now gets all the data directly from the GW2API instead of GW2Spidy API, because the latter often gave errors. That should be solved now (it also seems to load faster for me).


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