Hey folks! Since the launch of OC raids on the website, this spreadsheet is obsolete now! Please visit the page for more info ^^
Hello everyone!
If anyone from this community is interested in learning how to raid or practicing with different characters and don't have a static group you can join us! We try to teach everyone the mechanics of each boss and take the time to help you improve! We want everyone to get to a point where you are able to join in raids and know exactly what to do and how to handle yourself using your preferred classes. This is semi-unofficial, meaning things can change at any time, however those running this little mentor system will keep it up as best we can.
Here is the sign-up spreadsheet! Click here!
Please review each tab on the spreadsheet and fill them out accordingly.
A few things to consider: If you sign up and cannot make it on the day you've put your name for PLEASE remove it so a standby can take your spot! Please make sure you're ready to go 10 minutes before the top of the hour. We don't want to hold up the entire group! You're allowed to be 5 minutes late but we will be forced to give your spot to a standby if you don't contact anyone about your absence! tdlr; Communicate and be on time!
For current raiders, nothing has changed except the link to the spreadsheet. If you have this bookmarked please delete the old one and bookmark this one!
If anything is not clear, feel free to message me here or in game at AmarielSilme.8503!
Happy raiding!