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Posts posted by Ipos

  1. 1 Flesh Gollem is good for CC but bad for dps compared to Lich Form 

    2 Greatsword is not a huge dps loss since the majority of your condition dmg comes from Blood is Power and minion stacking.

    3 I overcap bleed on purpose so that I get extra ticks on other conditions.

    4 The same condition stack (2 beelding stacks) does multiply on multiple minions- tested, unless you have a good explanation why bleeds jump to double digit numbers when i have a lot of minions that from just one skill that gives me 2 bleeds, if your theory is right that would mean the mob should have just 4 bleeding stacks but he has way more depending on the number of minions.



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  2. This is a guide for viper gear reaper that works very very well in general PVE and exceptionally well in a raid or dungeon and amazing if you can also have a healer tag along and help with your minion upkeep.






    You want Full Viper gear for this with 2 Superior Rune of the Trapper and 4 Superior Rune of the Nightmare.

    Viper Weapons Scepter/Dagger with Superior Sigil of Malice and Superior Sigil of Bursting and for secondary weapon Greatsword (this can be a regular zerker stat since you will not be using it much) because it helps with CC and has better damage than Staff.

    Back Item(Rampager), Mordrem Loop(Viper) as amulet, Plague Signet(Sinister) and Verata's Seared Ring(Sinister) as rings and Caithe's Blossom(Sinister) and Caithe's Remorese(Sinister) as accesories, all trinkets are obtained from story achievements. 


    How this works

    The way this works is you build your minion count and then you use Blood is Power and Corrupt Boon to put conditions on you, Master of Corruption gives these skills extra self conditions. Once the conditions are on you the trait Necromantic Corruption transfers the conditions from you to the minions and on hit the minions transfer them to the enemy, this transfer has a 10 second cooldown.

    The idea is to start with Lich Form  > Mark of Horror > exit Lich Form, use this when its off cooldown to spawn minions. After this you use "Rise!" for extra minions and then Blood is Power (has longer cast time) and after that Corrupt Boon (shorter cast time). 

    The combo of Blood is Power and Corrupt Boon puts 4 bleed stacks, 2 torment stacks and 1 stack of poison per minion. so if you have 10 minions that equals 40 stack of bleed just from minions alone. 

    In a raid environment or a place where you can have Adrenal Mushrooms or you happen to have a healer you can build up to 25 minions, that's the cap.

    You can replace Summon Blood Fiend with "Your Soul Is Mine" and I would not use Consume Conditions, its a great healing spell but as it says it consumes conditions and you don't want that. You can also replace Corrupt Boon with Epidemic for AOE damage or Corrosive Poison Cloud for extra poison damage.

    In terms of other skills you want to use your Reaper's Shroud > Soul Spiral on cooldown. 

    Next you want to use Enfeebling Blood and after that Grasping Dead and Feast Of Corruption these two in no particular order, when you see Enfeebling Blood getting close to be off cooldown you go in Reaper's Shroud use Soul Spiral and repeat the whole process.

    Use your Auto Attack as filler, this applies extra bleeding  and poison

    I would not use Deathly Swarm unless you just have one minion its a damage loss.

    Swaping to Greatsword is a dps loss and you only wanna do it if you need a bit of extra CC by using Grasping Darkness after that use Gravedigger and then spam Auto Attack for chill damage until you can swap back to Scepter/Dagger

    Reaper's Shroud > Executioner's Scythe for CC

    This is all for now, if you have any questions feel free to ask. 






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