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Posts posted by Slaywright

  1. Hello.

    I've sort of been casually doing a world boss tour in the morning, including a swipe at Tequatl, for the past very long time. And to save time and effort in sorting through my loot from the whole world boss tour I only opened the exotic chest each day. As a result, I ended up with three neat stacks of 250 innocent enough loot boxes.

    Fast forward past some time of actually opening all four of the boxes each day because I don't want to start another set of those stacks, into the day I am trying to come up with something to do, and decide to see to these boxes finally.

    And this is where I have made said terrible mistake. In addition to stupid amounts of karma and a good bounty of crafting materials, I am also greeted by this mess:


    And just to put a point on it, that is around 4700 piles of bloodstone dust and 4700 pieces of unidentified gear.

    Now, I am no stranger to large amounts of bloodstone dust, and finding a place to store all that is going to be only a minor inconvenience.

    But I was not prepared for all this unidentified gear.

    Guess I know what I'm doing for the next few days...

    • Cookie 1
    • Haha 2

  2. 20.1.2017 - Fixed issues with forms

    There appear to have been some... irregularities with some of our forms recently. They should all be in order now but if you ran into oddities or have submitted a form in the last couple of days and believe it may not have quite worked out, you can either contact me or resubmit the form. We've done our best to verify the Feedback form has been functioning as advertised, but issues with the others may have fallen through the cracks. Sorry about any inconvenience.

  3. Hello, a very quick word on the forum theme:

    Some of you may have noticed the forum's started to crack along the edges, very often telling you the theme is out of date. A lot of this happened just because IPS was updating the forum software and the theme we're using needs updating separately. We're using a few custom modifications for the theme so we couldn't just go and slap a new one on top every time. So now some major cracks showed up we brought it up to date.

    The calendar is still largely on a 12-hour clock. This need some pretty ancient hacks to get around, because IPS doesn't support a 24-hour clock by default. But working on it.

    If you spot anything that looks wrong now, do let me know.


    2 hours ago, Quingaron said:

    It would seem however that links that point to sections of the same page generate an error.

    E.g. Click on the Forums link take you to a page with this error... 

    Yes that is because @Lelling did a silly. But it should be fixed \o/

  4. Any raid dealings orchestrated by me are currently on hold, but I'm leaving this here for archiving purposes. Check the raid subforum for community wide raiding happenings.


    Time for take two on a DV take on the GW2 raids, Part 2!

    With a bit of time, iteration and some new ideas thrown into the mix, we're hopefully nearing on a smooth and simple system that will get us raiding with minimal hassle. To this end, we're harnessing the power of the shiny new DV Discord server!

    Can I join the raid?

    There are no major requirements for qualifying to join, but there are three things you should have a good handle on with raids in mind: Your class and its skills, your gear and the fact that it’s not just your time, it’s the time of 9 other people as well.

    Having a handle on your class means you can concentrate on what is happening around you instead of having to focus on a skill rotation. It’s better to learn the first encounter with a rotation you know rather than an optimal rotation you looked up on a guide but have no idea how to operate, but in the long run you will need to optimise your build and gear to your class’ maximum potential. Most of the time in the raids you will have one job, and it is paramount you do that one job.

    The baseline for gear is exotic equipment with stats fit for your role (berserker for DPS, viper/sinister+condi duration for condi, healing power main for healer) and appropriate runes and sigils. Going forward, upgrading to ascended is already a good idea for some encounters, and essential for others. You should look to upgrade your weapons to ascended first, followed by the trinkets (amulet, rings, accessories, backpiece) and only last look at armour, due to the difference in stats you gain from higher quality being the lowest on armour. Your equipment is secondary to what you are doing and how you are doing it, however. It never hurts to have better gear, but the raids are more a test of player skill.

    These baseline requirements for joining may sound daunting, but they are not unreasonable, and due to the nature of the content there isn’t much wiggle room beyond what is listed here. You can always ask me if you are unsure if your equipment and build are alright, and I can help you get it sorted.

    As for the last point, time, make sure you can actually make it if you put your name forward for anything. I will keep this one short, and just repeat: It is not only your time, it’s the time of nine other people.

    So, where do I sign?

    If you're intested in raiding with DV, all you need to do is join the DV Discord and once verified get in touch with any of the leaders or officers to be added to the raid group there.

    We will coordinate raids on the discord channel so everyone interested can see the upcoming runs, express their interest and/or RSVP to them.

    Static groups

    Static groups may form from the freeform organisation, but being part of the raiding initiative does not require you to join a group, nor should being in a static group stop you from joining other runs for whatever reason. Each static group that forms will govern itself, and we do not want to impose any special rules upon them.


    Any questions, see me. If there’s something on your mind, better bring it up, because we might be able to do something about it, but only if you voice it.

  5. Okay next up!

    I know it's "early" Sunday but here's an opportunity for something a bit more than just run circles around the first boss.

    Do make sure you read through all the relative bits, and if you're interested contact me in advance to ensure you get your spot.

  6. Update on tonight's VG intro run, we have a preliminary lineup of 2 condies short of a full squad already :D And since that particular encouter requires some condition damage people, now's your opening to come learn the basics.

    Also we'll find out the actual final composition once we're getting started, so there may or may not be random shouting in guild chat around that time for some extra people to fill in the squad.

  7. Haloo. I know this is short notice for the confirmation but yes we'll give VG another go today, so if you're already signed up or want to race for any possible leftover spots, be in-game tonight sometime before 18 CEST. That's when we'll start, and leading up to that I'll be contacting people who've expressed interest and then we fill the group up once those are all rounded u-- I mean invited in. :o:D

    I've come up with a few alterations to the format I originally thought of for this whole shindig, so I'll be updating the first post as soon as I've got the details ironed out and all that. In the mean time, watch the guild chat \o/

  8. Yes, excellent work everyone involved \o/

    We had a few people go along the evening, thanks to everyone for their effort :)

    If you missed it we'll assemble another go at VG on Wednesday most likely and we'll get as many first timers along then as possible. I'll try to catch you all in-game, too, but keeping an eye on guild chat is also a good idea.


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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