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Posts posted by Minithra

  1. I wouldn't say nobody has ever heard of them, but they ARE fairly old and obscure by now :D Doesn't mean I didn't waste a ton of time on them, of course. 

    Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk. I had to google the names and read the wiki to see which game it was I actually had, because it was just called "yolk.exe" on the diskette :D


    This game started me on the path to loving puzzle games, hating item-combination-in-inventory mechanics, and quite likely the very start of my gaming addiction :D

    For a less-obscure game (and also more recent!)


    Uru: Ages Beyond Myst.Crazy, perhaps badly done "puzzles" (like literally, I had a huge mess of papers with various cryptic symbols on them and random notes), but absolutely amazing lore and atmosphere. I also played the Myst games themselves, but I like Uru more.

  2. Forum registration is fairly easy, and it would be faaar too much work on the staff side to track you down. You can use the forums, perhaps send a PM here. 

    In my opinion, a public, anonymous form is a bad idea, because based on past experience, it will be 99% "good job" and "go die". It will also create extra, unneeded work for the staff team. 

    If you truly wish to give constructive feedback, a forum PM or even Teamspeak text chat will be enough. Most commanders do not have access to member data on the forums, so if you are worried about that, please don't. 

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  3. In game name : Minithra Gladeborn, Minithra

    Experience level : Have not been in an active raid in GW2. Did explore a cleared one, though.

    Classes I can play : Herald (asc trinkets, weapon, some armor), Ranger, Necro, Ele (only asc rings, rest exotic, no HoT spec fully unlocked)

    I'd like to join Saturday.

  4. 9Ypp9Gr.jpg

    Meet Victoria! Who was originally Victor, but then she grew up and we had a better look. One of my little "helpers" who like to attack the mouse cursor, curl up in front of the chat and/or push the screenshot (and any other) button.

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  5. Hi! 

    Currently listening to wurm instructions, and let me say how much I appreciate the guidance and help offered by the OC with this event :) 

    Been playing MMOs for a while, spent far too much time in GW1. After a short time playing GW2 at release I stopped playing, and picked it back up recently (Action Cam is the best thing they could have added, imo :D)

    I'm bad at introductions. Ask and I shall answer.


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Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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