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Posts posted by foxykits

  1. Soooo not sure if I did this before butttttt......HAI  I'm foxykits or foxy or Ash if you'd like. I am playing GW2 a bit over a year now and  other games as well(Minecraft/Maplestory and a few more previous and  now)  So yeah I am 28  irl have a  full schedule  outside the internet but I will always make time for  OC  and the game and I'm in the Event team(new as of right now tho) so you might be seeing me around commanding a few events. I am not the best at  GW2 but please bear with me. I am very bad  at  Jumping puzzles but always willing to lend a hand to newer or other players somehow. In game I have a few characters so if you would like to hang out or have fun, run dungeon or  Tier 1 fractals(lack experience and the AR) I am up for it so long as I have the time to play.


    *heads up* I do have  felines that like to bug me at  bad moments  so yeah. Not my fault. 

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  2. problem I see with no world border(as awesome as the idea is, endless  exploring and all) at all is that if someone builds something that stresses the server that causes lag or just takes forever to load  chunks  and  chunks away then just getting there and it could cause issues I dont have the best pc  or internet and even my best days I lag horribly  and often get  rubber banded  back into  clumps of mobs that i can barely escape with half a heart even with good gear. Also,with the fixes I do notice an improvement in  the  way I feel disruption in play less. Most of it is client lag but I'd get really sad if I were unable to play at all due to some unforseen issue or whatnot that could come up and I often do not exceed alot of animals really out of  conciseness thinking of  causing issues for anyone else in probability. It's a good idea  it just needs to be thought out a bit.


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