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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Right, hello again...

    By way of an explanation, the simple version is I have mental health issues and I had a bit of a breakdown after my ex moved out. I don't expect sympathy or allowances to be made, so don't worry. I'm just letting you know.

    I plan to come back soon, probably on Tuesday for the new content. I may or may not be able to do this. But I am still alive and I miss you guys. The entire community.
    Except egg blocking. If I never have to do that again...

  2. Update: Most of what needed doing is done but I can't get my gaming PC set up just yet, and GW2 (or at least, graphics intensive community stuff) is a bit beyond this poor laptop! Nearly done though, and normal service should resume shortly.


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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