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Posts posted by Deïdra

  1. Oke so introductions, introduction, Introductions..

    Lets start with some of the more obvious things (always a good idea no?!?)
    I'm from The Netherlands or Holland :) and I'm 27 years old.
    I joined the DV guild after doing TT with them for about 2 times and have been here for a little while now:)

    My first and main char is a human thief called Deidra Stormwolf:)
    I couldn't take Deïdra because the ï can't be used in GW :( 
    I used to play a different MMO befor I came to GW a few months ago called Tera and thats where I started being Deïdra or Deï for short ^_^
    And no it is not from Naruto.. Thats just a coincidence and I only realised this after people started commenting on it.

    I am an achievement hunter/farmer :)
    And because of this I already have a decent masterylevel that shocked one of my friends (who asked me if I actually sleep xD)
    And for the record :o I do sleep :D I love to sleep and dream ^_^

    Outside of playing GW I like to cook and eat delicious food B|
    I also like to bake or make other sweet things like Tripple trouble Icecream.
    Thats dark chocolate icecream with pieces of milk and white chocolate #drool!!
    And I named it tripple trouble because 3 types of chocolate xD and because my friends know of the TT-event with the 3 wormheads ^^

    I like puns and odd humor and can have a talent of saying things that can have a double meaning with and mostly without my knowledge (which can be fun)
    I have a lot of male friends who say I am worse then them in that area (and proud of it ^_^)
    The friends that game that I know pretty much all play GW as well.
    We have LANparty's which are fun :D

    Aside from GW I also play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D).
    And I dont play the version on the computer but the version with pen, paper and lots of different dices \o/
    In one group I have a char that I also called Deïdra (Yeah I really like that name)
    And she is a monk which is a kick ass striker that will outrun a dragon at max lvl!
    seriously I will have so much movementspeed that I could run across the map in an instant.. You will never catch me Muahahahahaha (She is not evil.. I however might be though ^_^)

    I also love to read although I haven't read a whole lot lately (I used to read about a book a day in a holliday)
    And maby you guessed it :) But I love to read fantasy O.o
    Think Lord of the rings (I read that befor they made the movies), Mortal instruments series from Cassandra Clare, Among thiefs: Tale of the kin by Douglas Hulick (it is a serious recommendation IMO!!!!!)

    I like to listen to music and like a lot of different genres :)
    If I have to pin down a more specific type of genre I would say I listen to rock/metal most.
    It really depends on my mood and where I am though what songs I add to my youtube list though :D
    So if you ever get to hear any of them be warned that it will never be consistent ;)

    Well there you have some info about me :)
    Any questions?
    Feel free to ask :)
    I might answer xD:P 

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