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If you're as excited about the new Living World Season 4 chapter - A Star to Guide Us as we are, then join the hype!
For the day of release, and the day after, our commanders will be taking a break from our regular events, so that they, and our members, have time to enjoy the new content! Regular event scheduling will return on Thursday, the 20th! However, feel free to hang out in the Tyrian Tavern channel (which will likely be hijacked and renamed to an appropriate HYPE channel) and hype about the new update!
As always, we will be running a special Expedition event in the new map, on the 29th of September! Keep an eye out on the event schedule!

Event details

General Community Events 0 Comments


In support of the Pink Day in LA charity fundraiser, the Triple Trouble Team will be undertaking the challenge of running 24 hours of Triple Trouble!
The event kicks off from our regularly scheduled TT on Saturday the 22nd at 21:30 CEST, to the regularly scheduled TT on Sunday the 23rd! - and we'll be doing our best to throw ourselves at any and every wurm that spawns during this time! That's seven Triple Trouble events altogether, which is a pretty tall order, so we'd love for as many people as possible to join us for the attempt, particularly for the late night Wurms if you can!
Between the events, we'll have a lot of time to do a lot of really fun things, like Hide & Seek, Quaggan Hunt, and tons of other events, so there'll always be something happening! So don't miss out, and come join us!
Of course, all this is done to benefit the Pink Day in LA charity fundraiser - the fundraiser itself takes place on October 20th, and OpenCommunity is one of the official hosts, so you can join in those events right here on our Teamspeak! The event will feature a ton of fun, a ton of giveaways, from in-game items to physical, official Arenanet goodies, so come join us!
The individual Triple Trouble events will be taking place at:
Saturday, 21:30 CEST Sunday, 2:30 CEST 5:30 CEST 9:30 CEST 14:00 CEST 18:30 CEST 21:30 CEST And there'll be a whole lot of shenanigans in between, so join in any time, or stick around for the full marathon!
To join the event, don't forget to join our Teamspeak at:
ts.theopencommunity.org (or ts.gw2oc.org for short)
There is no password, you don't need a mic, and no one will require you to speak ?  Our commanders are friendly, and they explain every step of the event before it actually starts, on each run, so even the most inexperienced players are invited to join! The more the merrier!
More information about the Pink Day in LA fundraiser will be posted on our forums soon, but you can also look at the official sources:
Pink Day in LA website: http://pinkday.gamergivingback.com/
Pink Day in LA official fundraiser: http://convio.cancer.ca/goto/PinkDayInLA18
You can also donate in-game prizes to support the fundraiser - please send any in-game prize donations to Yailith.4056 (please note - the amount of gold a person can receive is limited, so it's always better to send items. If you'd like to donate a sum of gold, please contact Yailith.4056 by in-game mail first. She will greatly appreciate it!)

Event details

General Community Events 1 Comment

Ever wanted to learn more about the different teams, what they do, what the responsibilities of those teams are, as well as other ways to get involved and help the community? Well, this is the event for you!
Hey everyone!
What's this? Commander School? Aren't we dealing with enough school already? Grrr!
A lot of folks have recently expressed the desire to join the ranks of commanders, and since it's back to school season, we figured we'd name this event appropriately. Don't be turned off by the event's name, though, it's going to be a lot more informative than most school lessons I've been to! ? 
So what is this event?
Commander School is a get-together on Teamspeak for anyone interested in being a commander, as well as for those interested in helping out the community in other ways. In addition to the Event Team, Raid Team, and the TT Team, we have a whole bunch of other aspects of the community that don't often get mentioned, that we want to give our members the chance to get involved with!
The event will feature two parts - a brief overview of the different teams & roles in the community, and a Q&A section where we answer any questions people may have about specific roles and tasks in the community. Whether you want to know what's expected of someone on the TT Team, why the Event Team is't doing X or Y event, or if you can help out with something we don't seem to have a role for, everyone's invited to join in the conversation!
After the event, if you're interested in joining any of these teams or helping out with any of the roles, you can proceed straight into the sign-up interview, where we can get you all set up in the team of your choice!
So whether you're interested in being a commander, or just interested to hear more about how things work here at OC, you're invited to join us on (in?) Commander School!

Event details

General Community Events 1 Comment


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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