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Mighty Warrrior

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Everything posted by Mighty Warrrior

  1. hey guys i am up for raids , althought is this the raid training cuz i have been looking all over and havent found one but this one. this is what i can play and hope you guys need one more person in your training group In game name: Mighty warrrior.9457 Experience level : None been keen and a quick learner Classes i can play: i got every class on level 80 but i would prefer: warrior, guardian or Elementalist these got full exotic or full ascended with ascended trinkets on all. I would like to join saturday or sunday , does not matter for me.
  2. In game name: Mighty warrrior.9457 Experience level : None been keen and a quick learner Classes i can play: i got every class on level 80 but i would prefer: warrior, guardian or Elementalist these got full exotic or full ascended with ascended trinkets on all. I would like to join saturday or sunday , does not matter for me.


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