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Posts posted by Arvinthir

  1. Well then. How did I come up with Arvinthir?

    In one of the worlds I made up, Arvinthir is diety that is just sort of there. Nobody knows if he/she/it actually exists or what they do. A while after that, I started using it as my username/ign. I was always just sort of there as well. :P
    The name itself (as you may have noticed) was heavily influenced by Tolkien's Arwen.

    Aside from that, other names I have for my characters usually feature short names, taken from Greek, or, more often still, Latin. (There's one thing four years of Latin didn't make me hate.) My norn is Nix FireThought (you know, because she lives in snowy lands), Ira Alfrell (took a word from Paolini's dwarvish, the nice and cute little salad who occasionally gets angry and kills everyone with shiny mesmer stuff).
    In the past, I also often simply used names from different myths. I'm fond of Nidhogg, Nesoi, Alke, Nyx, Eris and others (I can't remember right now).

    Calia, Tamarys, and simmilar, are just names I thought up.

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  2. I completely understand you, although with me it was more RSMVs. And yeah, Evanescence was everywhere :P

    Her Name Is Alice is a really great one, yes! You gotta listen to their Second Chance and Enemies.
    Also, forgot to mention this earlier: have you heard of a band called Epica? As the name implies, epic symphonic metal :D

  3. Yeah, I completely share your views on Inquisition :P I wanted more story! My first playthrough I finished it really fast and lost half the companion quests because of it... And as much as the ME1 exploration sucked, the Mako is still the best videogame vehicle ever! It simply did not give a damn and it could drive over everything and anything; enemies, mountains, buildings, no problem!

    Yeah, Nightwish, who doesn't know them? As for rock, yeah, the classics are still good and I've listened to way too much Skillet and Evanescence back in the day. I have mixed feelings on Arctic Monkeys and Broken Iris. I've also listened to about half of what you've listed and I'm marking down the rest ^^ Have you heard of Shinedown?

  4. Hello there, fellow Bioware fan ^^ You'll find there's quite a few of us here!

    I reaaaaly want Andromeda to be a success! Personally, I think they'll try to go for a more open-world kind of gameplay (like they did with Inquisition) and I need it to be good because I'm pretty sure none of my dear companions from the trilogy will be there. What about you, any thoughts/speculations?

    I'd ask you for anime/series recommendations but god knows I don't have time for them xD

    So just gimme some bands to listen to. Mainly rock and metal describes my taste perfectly.

    • Upvote 1

  5. Hello Ran!

    First off, I have to return greetings from Slovenia ;) Always nice to meet more people from around here!

    While I do prefer Greek mythology myself, all mythology is awesome! I've been meaning to dig up some more Norse myths for aaages. I love the way they imagined the world. You know, Yggdrasil and all. And for the longest time, Nidhogg was my favourite dragon (until I read Eragon).
    What was it that got you into mythoology, if you don't mind me asking?

    We have to get together to climb fractals though! I kind of took a break from that and if you ever want to do it, don't hesitate to ask!

  6. Hello Shivaana! First off, welcome to the forums ^^

    Secondly, I understand you completely! I love playing healing/support classes myself as well (I even toyed around with the idea of turning my main, ele, into a healer, but disregarded the idea because solo content). But now with the introduction of raids, healers are actually quite sought after (especially druids). :D So if you wanna heal/support, that's a great opportunity. Most high-scale fractal groups wouldn't mind a healer either!

  7. Thanks for the notes, everything you wrote is true!

    I've edited the Simple Infusion bit for clarity, ty :)

    The reason I didn't include Tear of Alba and Mistlock Singularities is because they are not reliable sources of AR, the Tear gives 10 flat AR and is unstackable. Therefore, if you have 15 AR from, say, infusions, and the Tear (which gives 10), you'll have 15 AR total. ANET math at its best.
    For mistlock singularities, you should never rely on them for extra AR, as you lose them once you get hit below the threshold and then your AR suddenly dips and you're even worse off.

    The last point you raise is a great one! Slipped my mind and I've added it to the guide! ^^


  8. I can, without a doubt, say that this is the best eggblocking guide out there.

    I'd like to make a note that, if you are only blocking eggs and some aoe, trait lines for ele aren't necessary. Also, you might want to mention the subsquads and subsquad boon-sharing thing. And how to eggblock with a buddy (block feedback) is also something I'd love to see more people know how to do.

  9. Allright let's do this. I used to be a huge League player, platinum last season, now I kind of toned it down, mostly because it can get my mood down instantly (the community really does suck). But if anyone wants to play some games, I'm on EUNE and my ign is Snoringdragon.

    I really love playing supports, but I hate the fact that you can't carry if your team is just straight up bad, so that's why I've been getting into adc-ing and mid/top. But if you can get me a decent adc to lane with, I'm your man to get him/her through the game relatively safe ;)

    My absolute favourite champ is still Sona, but I like most supports. For midlane it's gotta be Ahri, LeBlanc and Lux. And as far as adcs go, Quinn is still my absolute favourite (why did you rework her, Riot, why?) but I play most of them.

    A champ whose design and playstyle I like quite a lot is Rammus. Especially if you can get ahead, it's just awesome xD And we can't forget about the classic AP Blitz. I call it weo-weo Blitz and if you see me playing Riot Blitz, I'm gonna go full ap and oneshot your adc :D

    @BigWhiteShogun Yay for spfourzie! I've been trying support Vel'Koz and it's pretty strong.

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  10. Yesterday, Sabina took Trinzle and me on an adventure to the top of the DV guild hall!


    We all made it to the top (three mesmers, but don't tell anyone).


    After that, she showed us a secluded corner in the hall where we spent some time sleepily laughing and fooling around. And we looked quite good doing it.


    After a while, we all went to sleep.


    First ingame, then irl as well.


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