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Posts posted by Lacie

  1. I play the game - not at the time, I needed a break from it after the Star Wars hype and I always buy the one time subscription before playing... But yeah, I'd be interested in playing with some people (I have a bunch of characters there, some lvl 65). However, I'm on The Red Eclipse (the PvE one) :/

  2. Hi everyone!

    First things first: I really suck at introductions, so here's hoping this will not be too awkward :D Anyway, I'm a student of Liberal Arts and Humanities (don't know how else to say it in english, but this is probably the closest) from Czech Republic. I'm more of a casual gamer than a hardcore one, but I really enjoy a wide variety of games with preference for RPG ones - so it's probably not surprising that the spot of 'my favourite games' is occupied by Dragon Age and Mass Effect series (can't wait for ME:A ^^)... Bioware in general is my favourite game developer, but I also have a soft spot for Square Enix games, especially their Final Fantasy series (I really hope I'm not the only one jumping in excitement from today's announcement of release date for XV XD). As far as RPGs go I also love text-based ones, be it the classical D&D or an online play-by-post one, as I love creating various and complex characters ^^

    GW2 is currently one of the two MMO's I've been coming back to over the years (the other one is SWTOR) - I usually play one or the other depending on if my current obsession is closer to fantasy or sci-fi genre. I've had GW2 since launch, which you wouldn't be able to tell from my mediocre skills and understanding of the game, caused by my long periods of inactivity, when I lost an interest in the game mainly due to not connecting with other people so well... and that is what I hope to change now in part by being here ^^ I used to run Triple Trouble and Tequatl events roughly two years ago, which is how I first came upon DV, and I'm really glad I managed to find it again and this community along with it. I still have only one level 80, a guardian, but I'm working on changing that (my necro is slowly getting there), and I mainly play human or sylvari characters, althought I really want to have at least one character from each race (need more slots for that though).

    I also used to play WoW (first MMO, not the best experience) and Wildstar (I'm still in love with its style and combat mechanics, but I got burnt out really quickly). Currently I'm considering getting into Black Desert, as the game looks absolutely gorgeous, but we'll see about that ^^

    Besides games, my other interests include anime &  manga, various tv series, music (mainly rock and metal), reading (I'm a huge book nerd) and writing stuff. I'd really love to work as a writer in the video games industry one day, but yeah... we can all dream right :D

    Anyway, feel free to message me about me anything, be it just a chit-chat or if you need help with anything in-game - I'd be glad to help out. I can be a bit socially awkward at first, but if you bear with me for a while, it tends to get better, I promise! :D So yeah, looking forward to getting to know you all or just meeting in game! :)


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